I'm an international red, yet feel at home in the west of France, on the left bank of the Gironde. Often I share the bottle with other grapes. *

In Champagne there's room for all three of us, though I'm often overlooked as not being at the same level as the other two. *

I'm a meaty sort of grape, a crossing that came from a university in South Africa. *

I'm a true classic, making many of the best white wines of the world. Some tried to put me down with the acronym ABC, but class is permanent. *

Some accuse me of being flowery and low in acid. I would say I can make lovely dry whites and some of the best sweet wines of the world. *

Nebbiolo and Barolo might be king of the north, Sangiovese and Brunello call themselves king of Italian wine, but I'm king of the south in Taurasi. *

In Rioja I play second string much of the time, though I can age well, add much to a blend, and occasionally play solo. *

Dark and dense, I was born in France, yet travelled across the sea to make my name in Argentina. *

I've made my name in the US, possibly via Southern Italy, where I can make fine red wines and sweet, commercial rosé. What is my true, native name? *

I am known by many names; Black Prince, Ottavianello, Imperial Blue, Piqepoul to name a few. What name am I best known by? *